Teaching Schedule for Spring 2023

The final teaching schedule for spring 2023 is now available at timetable.au.dk

Schedule for instructors  
Instructors can find their personal schedule at timetable.au.dk (log in with AUID). When you log in to timetable.au.dk you can see the schedule of the activities you are associated with in the planning system. You can search for a course manually if it does not appear in your schedule. Please choose courses with ‘F23’ in the title for spring courses. If you use the English version of the website, note that ‘Module’ means ‘Course’ (Danish ‘Kursus’). See further instructions here

Changes to the room may occur during the semester, so we recommend that you regularly check the schedule.

Schedule for students
The final teaching schedule is available for students at mitstudie.au.dk. Students can also find their schedule at timetable.au.dk. Instructions for students can be found here.   

Schedule for courses, rooms, etc.   
At timetable.au.dk you can also find the schedule for rooms, specific courses or fields of study as well as download schedule for Outlook or mobile. Instructions can be found here.   

Please don’t hesitate to contact undervisning.nat-tech@au.dk or undervisningeksamendiplom.nat-tech@au.dk for the Bachelor of Engineering programmes BScEng if you have any questions.