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Jakob Vium Medom will join us as research assistant from April 1 and until June 30 2025.
No programmes are closing, but almost all will be reduced in size. This is the result of the faculty's degree programme resizing plan, which was…
As of 31. Marts 2025 Ping Hu will be leaving his position as postdoc.
Rain Sun will join us as project coordinator on 1. March 2025.
We are near the completion of our new laboratories at Katrinebjerg. It has been a lengthy process, primarily due to long waiting times for craftsmen,…
As of 28 February, Hemanshul Garg will be leaving his position as a Postdoc.
Parents@Nat-AU is a newly established network for pregnant/parent-to-be researchers and researchers with young children (nursery/kindergarten) who…
Join our 3-hour ‘crash’ session that focuses on living and working in Denmark. Danish cultural norms are examined, as well as cultural behavior within…
Do you know your employment rights? Maybe you feel lost in all the AU systems? Or would like to meet new colleagues?
This event will focus on the key considerations involved in deciding which paths to pursue, and we will explore the different factors that are…
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