Staff Portal
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As of February 28. 2025, Frederik Bendix Thostrup will resign from his position as academic employee.
As of February 28 2025, Devarajan Ramanujan will step down from his position as Head of Section in Design and Manufacturing
Forskere fra alle AU’s fakulteter inviteres til at ansøge om at deltage i Forskningens Døgn
If you are working on campus during the weekend of 1 and 2 February 2025, you may experience service disruptions, as a number of AU’s IT systems and…
Please find the timeframe for when the doors will be replaced below.
From 25 February, it will be time to conduct another workplace assessment at AU – known as a WPA. Here you can read more about the process.
Parents@Nat-AU is a newly established network for pregnant/parent-to-be researchers and researchers with young children (nursery/kindergarten) who…
This workshop focuses on testing as part of job interviews and will also provide you with the possibility of being tested and getting feedback on your…
Further education in pedagogy
- Stop/contain the accident without causing harm to yourself- Call 112- Evacuate if necessary- Call the emergency number 87 15 16 17