Charles’ new role will bring about a reorganisation in the two committees he is currently a member of: the PhD Committee and the Research Committee.
Hendrik Ostrowski will join us as PhD student on 1 November 2024
The new guidelines are being put in place to help prevent the university’s research from falling into the wrong hands
In all MPE's buildings, the blue doors will be replaced with glass doors with ash frames, both into the offices and between the buildings. These doors…
If you are working on campus during the weekend of 16 and 17 November 2024, you may experience service disruptions, as a number of AU’s IT systems and…
In November, elections will be held at AU. This year, students and PhD students can vote and stand for election to various councils and committees.
Are you on your way to maternity leave, have you just returned, or have you already been navigating the challenges of having a research career while…
Melissa Pilegaard Rasch Nielsen will join us as research assistant on 15 October 2024
As of 30 September 2024, Giovanni Formentini will be leaving his position as a Postdoc
We are glad to let everyone know that we are welcoming a new staff member to our department.
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