Mandatory use of tool for screening for stereotypical language in job advertisements at AU

AU has gotten a new language screening tool that helps remove stereotypical language from job advertisements. It is easy to use and you can read more about it in this post.

As some of you may have seen, there's a new language screening tool that helps remove stereotypical language from job advertisements. It is easy to use; you copy the text of the post in, and then it suggests the replacement of words, so you achieve a more inclusive language – and thus hopefully a more diverse field of applicants. You can choose on or off for each word, a bit like going through with track changes.

At MPE we support the ambition of having broad applicant fields. Consequently, our head of department has decided that it is mandatory for everyone hiring (MPE management + supervisors) to run all their job posting drafts through this tool prior to posting.

It is easy to use. Sign up by au-mail: Tool to screen for stereotypical language

The company Develop Diverse is behind the tool, and they have made an intro to it. The video recording from the meeting is at the top right of the page above. Hear from minutes 2-35. She talks about all the stereotypes that we all unconsciously use and what we can do to reduce it. Then hear it and learn more about gender, age, ethnicity, disability, and neurodiversity stereotypes.