Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering at Folkemødet 2023

Wind energy, nuclear power, and plastic recycling were the focal points when the Department of Mechanics and Production Engineering participated in Folkemødet on Bornholm from 15 to 17 June

At this year's Folkemøde, MPE participated in several debates at the Tech Tent. The Tech Tent is a centrally located debate stage driven by the technical universities DTU, SDU, AAU, and AU, as well as IDA under the "Engineer the Future" initiative. Over the three days, the stage offered a packed program of debates on topics of great interest at the moment, including the ones mentioned above, as well as military technology, pollution, climate and environment, energy storage, and artificial intelligence. The debates featured researchers from the universities, as well as politicians, businesspeople, and representatives from various interest organizations.

From MPE, Associate Professor Gorm Bruun Andresen participated in two debates: one on offshore wind power and another on nuclear power. Both topics are highly discussed in the public discourse about future energy supply.

"It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to talk with colleagues from different fields about the topics we research. For example, during the offshore wind debate, we discussed how energy, climate, marine environment, and fishing interests are all crucial when considering how to utilize the ocean. In the nuclear power debate, there was a large audience providing great opportunities to discuss how we, as energy researchers, can contribute. Furthermore, I learned more about nuclear safety and reactor technology both during and after the debate through conversations with fellow participants. Folkemødet also provided an excellent opportunity to expand one's network and discuss project ideas. It was my first time attending the Folkemødet, but I could see myself going again," said Gorm.

The institute was also represented by Associate Professor and Head of Section Devarajan Ramanujan, who participated in a debate on plastic reduction and plastic recycling.

"It was fascinating to witness academics, industry professionals, politicians, civil servants, students, and people from all parts of society come together to have open and honest discussions about the challenges our society faces and present their ideas for solutions," Devarajan tells about his experience at Folkemødet. He continues:

"I believe these discussions are crucial at a time like now when we collectively face challenges such as climate change and plastic pollution—challenges that don't have easy solutions and are also difficult to comprehend. In our debate, we discussed how a multifaceted approach is essential when working with plastic, from reducing plastic usage whenever possible to creating durable products, improving recycling technologies, and recovering basic materials and energy from difficult-to-recycle plastics. We were challenged by the audience on our ideas, and it was enlightening to hear alternative perspectives. Society is a central actor in all the work we do at MPE, and I am pleased that Denmark has events like the Folkemødet where we can engage with and involve society in our research."