New employee in the Mechatronics and Dynamics section
Seyed Javadoreza Noee will join us as a PhD student on 1 October 2023
We are glad to let everyone know that we are welcoming a new staff member to our department.
Seyed Javadoreza (Javad) Noee will join us as a PhD student on 1 October and will be working in the MEDY section on the following projects: Development of Ionic Microfluidic Channels for Biomimetic Artificial Organs. Javad will be supervised by Rassoul Tabassian.
Javad is from Mashhad, Iran, and has previously studied at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. He comes from a position as Senior Engineer at PTPE Company.
We are looking forward to receiving Javad and hope you will all give him a warm welcome to our department.