The budget is allocated into the following units:
The HoD allocates the budget for each unit.
Below is a list of the account number in the MPE department including who is responsible for each account:
Each account has a responsible. Any employee in the department can only use money from the department’s expense account if the account responsible has pre-approved the expense. Only the account responsible can approve the invoice in IndFak for the responsible account. In case an account responsible receives an invoice in IndFak that does not belong to his or her account, the invoice should be forwarded to the account responsible who has the expense.
Every invoice approved by the account responsible is sent to the financial controller for final approval in IndFak. The financial controller will also check if the invoice is properly approved by the account responsible. In case the invoice in IndFak has not been approved by the account responsible, the financial controller forwards the invoice to the account responsible for approval.
Institut for Mekanik og Produktion Katrinebjergvej 89F 8200 Aarhus N Mailroom ind building 5132, room 113 | Institut for Mekanik og Produktion Inge Lehmanns Gade 10 8000 Aarhus C |
When making a purchase that is not covered by an agreement, you have to contact Procurement, if the amount exceeds 100.000 DKK ex. VAT. If the amount is less than 100.000 DKK, you must collect 2-3 offers and choose the one that best suits your criteria regarding quality, function and price (among other things). Retrieval of offers can be via e-mail, telephone or website search.
You must be able to document that you have searched the market, e.g. by an e-mail sent to yourself with your notes and criteria, or – even better – by journalising it.
Read more in the procurement guidelines on Procurement’s website.
Account responsible: Head of Secretariat, Morten Flarup, on behalf of the Head of Department
The account covers:
35821 - Bsc
35822 - Msc
35823 - BEng
Approval is needed from Vice Head of Department for Research Henrik Myhre Jensen
Approval is needed from Vice Head of Department for Education Martin Heide Jørgensen
Approval is needed from laboratory manager Peter Harling Lykke.
Account numbers for laboratory costs:
Approval is needed from the Head of Section.
Account number for sections:
38620 - Mechanics and Materials
38621 - Mechatronics and Dynamics
38622 - Design and Manufacturing
38623 - Fluids and Energy
Activity no. for all sections:
82101 - Ordinær drift
82105 - Forskningsudstyr
82107 - Konferencer og netværk
82110 - Sociale arrangementer
82801 - Afskrivninger
Approval is needed from Head of Workshop Peter Harling Lykke.
Teaching staff
VIP Networking