Please note that only shorter positions (under 1 year) can be filled without a job advertisement.
Below you will find the process for recruitment of VIP without prior advertisement:
Task: | Responsible: | Action: |
1. General and financial approval of new hire | Project owner | Get written approval from you head of section for the hiring as well as financial approval from the controller/project finance administrator. You will need to attach both approvals in the online form for temporary employment. |
2. Fill in online form | Project owner | You can find the form here. |
3. The case is created in Emply | HR/Secretariat | HR sends an email to the candidate regarding the upload of the application and CV. |
4. Assessment | Project owner | The project owner receives a messages from Emply, when the assessment can begin. |
5. The candidate it created Medarbejderstamkort (MSK) | Secretariatet | The secretariat creates a case for HR in MSK. |
6. HR draws up an employment contract | HR | Salary negotiation takes place, and potential application for residence- and work permit. |