Hiring procedures for PhD positions at MPE

Please follow these procedures when you announce a PhD project


1. Confirm Funding:

  • Contact your project economist to get written confirmation that you have funding for the entire project period.

2. Complete the Project Information Form:

  • Complete the form here Announce a PhD project (au.dk)

3. Submit the Form:

  • Send the form along with the written confirmation from your project economist to admission.gradschool.tech@au.dk.

The graduate school (GSTS) can help you put together a media plan for the announcement, but you will need to cover the costs yourself. The position will be announced on the GSTS website at no costs for you.

Application Process
From the time the PhD project is announced on the GSTS website and until the application deadline, GSTS will carry out a legality check on the applicants. This includes that GSTS will check if all applicants meet the language skills requirements. If they fail to meet the language skills requirements, they will not be included in the further assessment process.

Evaluation and Interview
After the deadline the applications will be sent to you and you can review the candidates.
When you interview one or more applicants for the position, a member of the PhD committee or another senior staff must be present at the interview. This person must be impartial to ensure proper administration of the process.

Decision and Employment
The PhD committee will then make the academic recommendations, and based on these recommendations, the Admissions Committeee and the Head of PhD school will decide which applicant is to be offered a position.
Once the candidate is chosen and he/she has been offered the position, there is some paperwork that may influence the start date:

  • 30 days of case processing time for Danish citizens
  • 60 days of case processing time for EU citizens
  • 90 days of case processing time for non-EU citizens


Karina Sigaard Bruhn

Secretariat Staff Member Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering - Secretariat, MPE