Tenure Track Process

Technical Sciences Tenure Track at Aarhus University is an attractive career opportunity for promising researchers from all over the world. Highly qualified candidates are employed at assistant professor level for a six-year period with promotion to associate professor researcher level depending on a positive assessment at the end of the tenure track programme. The promotion is based solely on the results of tenure track assistant professor/researcher and not on comparison with other candidates.

On 1 October  2023, the Faculty Management adopted a new model for tenure track appointments at TECH. At MPE it’s decided that, if the tenure track assistant professor is employed after 1 October 2023, they are included in this new model.

Development Plan

At the beginning of the employment, the Vice Head of Department for Research together with the Head of Department arranges a meeting with the newly hired tenure track assistant professor so that they are familiar with the requirements, guidelines and expectations associated with the tenure track process. Prior to the meeting, the tenure track assistant professor fills in a development plan for discussion. At the meeting the development plan may be adjusted and once agreed upon, it is sent to the Secretariat and is placed on the employment file. The development plan is given considerable weight in both the mid-term and final evaluation.

Annual follow-up

During the tenure track programme, an annual follow-up is conducted between a member of the Research Committee, the Vice Head of Department for Research and the tenure track assistant professor. The first time is one year after the employment has started. The development plan is updated (adjusted) annually at the annual follow-ups and is returned to the employment file (send it to the secretariat).

Second year follow-up with choice of process

After two years of employment, the Head of Department, the Vice Head of Department for Research and the Head of Section assess how far the tenure track assistant professor is from associate professor/senior researcher level, and whether there is still to be two-four years of employment before a final assessment is initiated, or whether an assessment should be initiated within the next two years of employment.

Normal process: If it is expected that there will be between two and four years of employment, an interim evaluation will be implemented, generally after three years of employment.

Accelerated process: If the updated plan clearly shows that the employee will be at Associate Professor/senior researcher level within two years of employment, no interim evaluation will be made. Instead, the annual follow-ups will continue until the final evaluation two years later.