Search Committees

At MPE it has been decided that Head of Section in the section where the position is advertised, is responsible for setting up the search committee. 

The search committee should be involved in the preparation of the final advertisement and be established before the position is advertised. The work in the search committee can take place prior to and in parallel with the job posting. 

The committee's main focus is to help ensure a sufficiently large field of applicants with quality and diversity (external applicants, international applicants and applicants of both genders). 


  1. When it is decided to advertise a position as Tenure track assistant professor, associate professor, senior researcher and professor the Head of Section, in the section where the position is advertised, must decide on a search committee. 

  2. The names of the members of the committee are sent to the Secretariat;  

  3. The secretariat plans a meeting between the committee and Head of Department.

  4. The committee decides on search activities.  

  5. The Secretariat will share the link to the LinkedIn post with the search committee. 

  6. The template for the activities of the search committee is sent to the Secretariat at closing date of the job advertisement.

  7. Once a year, the Secretariat will summarize the work of the search committees in order to be discussed with the Faculty Management.  

Search committee activities

  • Outreach activities to attract applicants.   

  • The search committee should work through their professional network to increase the number of qualified candidates. 

  • Exceptional candidates typically do not respond to ads and must be contacted directly by a hiring university.  

Outreach activities include:  

  • Suggesting additional advertising sites relevant to the research area (HR is responsible for advertising) 

  • Sharing the LinkedIn job posting via personal social media profiles (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook) 

  • Generating a coordinated list of promising candidates by making personal calls or sending emails to colleagues to identify potential applicants  

  • Identifying top candidates in literature and at professional meetings or conferences 

  • Identifying network/mailing lists for the search 

  • Making personal calls or personalized emails to the promising candidates on the coordinated list and encourage an application  

  • Expanding the usual list of contact departments and schools to a wider range of institutions and contact these institutions by e-mail.  

Members of the search committee

The search commitee must:  

  • consist of at least 3 employees, of which at least one member must be employed at least at the same level of position as the advertised position 

  • aim for an equal gender balance 

  • preferably include a recently hired, externally recruited employee 

  • be informed about the institute's strategy for diversity and equality 

  • be administratively supported by the Secretariat 

  • ensure that candidates receive relevant material about Aarhus/Roskilde/Viborg, international center etc. 

  • contact 6 potential candidates

Confidentiality in the committee is mandatory and also essential to ensure an honest discussion, as well as respect the input and participation of all those involved in every phase of the committee's work.